The Story Behind SMD Cosmetics…
After a decade of a friendship Lauren Ing and Amoreena Berg had gone through years of struggling with acne prone skin. Together, they had tried all types of products: expensive, mass, organic, prescription and cosmaceuticals, loaded with harsh chemicals, and even concoctions prepared at home, such as coconut oil. They changed their diet, cleansed, cut out dairy, and still they faced irritated angry skin. And, unfortunately, nothing showed lasting results. Lauren started to see real results with Saimdang Cosmetics’ line of natural, herbal-medicinal based products, which she shared with Amoreena. When both of them saw AMAZING results, they were hooked!! Coincidentally, Saimdang Cosmetics was exploring the idea of launching its premium, natural, herbal medicinal based skincare products in the United States. Saimdang, founded over 20 years ago, was one of the first natural skincare companies based on herbal medicinal formulations. This began the start of SMD Cosmetics International.
My vision was to provide EFFECTIVE, UNIQUE, PREMIUM, LUXURY skincare
that was also natural, safe and non-toxic. I knew there was natural skincare out there
and also luxury skincare, but nothing that provided both of these qualifications in a
way that didn’t feel like a sacrifice of one or the other. I want women to feel that they
are making their skin more beautiful, youthful, radiant but without sacrificing peace
of mind and health.
I am like many of you, I, too, struggled with terrible skin. I suffered from acne, acne-
scarring, allergic-reactions, sensitive skin, dry-patches, oily-patches, redness, and breakout. It caused me to feel self-conscious, depressed and hopeless about myself
and my skin. I had tried all types of products: expensive, mass, organic, prescription
and cosmaceuticals, loaded with harsh chemicals, and even concoctions prepared at
home. I changed my diet and cleansed and cut out dairy and still I faced irritated and
angry skin. And, unfortunately, nothing showed lasting results. I started to see real
results with Saimdang Cosmetics’ line of natural, herbal-medicinal based products.
When I saw AMAZING results, I was hooked!! Coincidentally, Saimdang Cosmetics,
was exploring the idea of launching its premium, natural, herbal medicinal based
skincare products in the United States. Saimdang, founded over 20 years ago, was one
of the first natural skincare companies based on herbal medicinal formulations. This
began the start of SMD Cosmetics International.
I found myself as an adult fighting acne, so by the time I met Lauren, I was already deep
into my search to find relief. I sought out weekly facials, dermatologists, medication,
supplements, eliminated food groups, experimented with chemical peels…ect.. You name
it, I have tried it! I was truly at my wits end. After testing positive for the BRCA cancer
genetic gene several years ago I decided I needed to take a walk down the natural, safe and non toxic path. I found out that natural meant that it was not only ineffective, but it still caused breakout! It was starting to effect my self-esteem, which made me feel depressed. I finally resorted to using organic coconut oil and organic sunscreen. It did somewhat help, in the sense that it wasn’t harming my skin, but it never gave me a youthful radiant glow… One of my fears, when starting this journey, was how my skin would react to SMD Cosmetic’s products. My first reaction was, “ I can’t sell skincare! My face is a wreck!” To my shock and surprise, my skin has never looked or felt this good! I am continually amazed that I no longer have to fight the constant acne war. It is now my passion to share with others my story and help others feel good about their skin!
For further information on SMD’s Products.